I do not know about you guys but for me, being "HUMAN" has and is the hardest thing for me to do. Having to learn how to control your emotions when you barely understand them. Trying to forgive people for what they did or didn't do and forgiving yourself for the same reasons. Living as you abide by rules that will govern you from your first breath to your last. Knowing right from wrong and having the will to always stick to the right. Keeping the balance between making your entire clan proud and following your dreams. Embracing outcomes of the decisions you have been and are making regardless of the weight they have on you. Basically, the whole concept feels programmed and some directions you take lead to dead ends..

Regardless of the obligation we feel to the above, you always have an idea of what you want to be like from a very young age. Take me for example, I always knew how I wanted my life to go. Ace all my classes no matter the level, be the best role model my baby brother could ever have, win my Dad's approval and my Mom's affection, land a great job and live a comfortable life because of it, fall in love with a very smart - very successful man, retire to travel the world and die happy. A portion of those wants have been acquired, others are yet to but some feel like a stretch that keeps getting further and further from my grasp by the day. I am sure that I'm not the only one who feels that way,right?..

Like many people, I struggle with self expression. Normally, people think that being a writer automatically makes you great at expressing yourself. The truth is, I know how I feel  but I just do not know how to put them into words. Oddly,that only happens with 'self' because if someone were to sit across me I would be able to read them down to a T which is both a blessing and a curse. I will explain, body language is one of the things that make people an open book. Gestures, posture, tone variation are just but a couple of things that help you tell whether a person is lying or telling the truth or even hiding something. It takes a keen eye because you would need to be attentive to even the smallest of details which you would otherwise miss..

As for myself, I feel like everyone is always throwing in my face the fact that they know me and I know for certain that they do not. Neither of you do. The concept that you could actually know someone is a debatable one. I think everyone has different versions of themselves that they are comfortable being with different groups of people. For instance, who I am at  my work place, at home or with my friends, when meeting new people and by myself are four different people. Even though some aspects of my personality may stick,the most prominent ones will differ. Again, I bet you can all relate..

You don't have to be a pawn, you can be anything you want to be despite of the steps of life that are set for you and those you have set for yourself. I just want to say that most times, giving up is so easy but that does not mean that you should. If things do not go the way you want them to, try changing your approach could be a better way to start cause I for one do not want to be sitting and thinking of what could have been. Trying and failing is better than if you had not tried at all in the first place. Yes, I know disappointment sucks but it is the only way we get to look at things differently. I say this to you and to myself. However, I am not one to give up easily. I usually try over and over again and again to a point where it seems silly to keep trying yet I still do before I give up from exhaustion. I am resilient to an extent, what is left to do is distinguish the things that are worth trying despite failure, the battles that are worth fighting for and the dreams that are worth the chase. Do not get so wrapped up in " THE PLAN"  that you forget the goal..

I think people viewing relationships from the outside are the reason why so many relationships fail. Since being together has to have been an understanding between both parties of the relationship, it is your respective obligation to draw conclusions. Of course there are times where you may disagree on a couple of things and that might rock your relationship to a point where you would need to vent to someone other than your partner but at the end of the day, your partner and you are the ones who bare resolve to your problems. You know why you chose to be with that person in the first place and where the problem you have came from. It is okay for people to be opinionative on the situation because that is just how us humans are wired but the fate of the relationship lies with the people in the relationship. Whatever bad drama you have going on between you, you are both supposed to decide on whether or not you want to dissolve or move on from it on your own. Resolve is very important in a relationship because when you clear the air it is easier to move on instead of pretending that everything is okay and  later finding yourself comparing all future problems to the one that was swept under the rag. Having a lot of frustration and anger and even hate gets carried forward to the next argument. It is so unhealthy, just talk it out and make sure it is in the past before moving on to whatever is next on the agenda..

Make up. Some girls wear it and some girls do not. It is a choice just like any other. Even if sometimes it is worn to impress a certain someone, most times it is done for the girl's own satisfaction. As a girl, if you want to do your make up it is mostly because you like the way you look with it. Do not let anyone tell you that it is wrong to look and feel good. It is your face, is it not? You do not see people questioning boys for cutting their hair a certain way which might not seem the same (according to how you want to judge it) but serves the same purpose. Girls just want to look good, let them do it without having to be judged. Truthfully your opinion barely counts, what matters is they looked in the mirror before living the house and approved of what they saw reflecting back. Making people feel bad for their preferences is not a cool thing to do. You need to chill..


  1. Wow I've never read anything so profound

  2. Wow I've never come across such a profound piece

  3. Best thing I've read all week!!!
    I find it hard to live by all rules and I'm still learning to live by some but I'm not gonna let society control my every move.
    Bless up hunn 👌❤

  4. Our frequencies matched today. AGAIN. Beautiful mind , beautiful scars, beautiful butt!!!😁🌡🔥


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